

Anahit Turning the Page

Why Piano?

  • Learning to play piano can be a great joy as well as an intellectual and emotionally rewarding experience. Through music, we can express our feelings, emotions, and thoughts.
  • Playing piano is an invaluable way to develop intelligence, discipline, time management, self-esteem, emotional expression, peer interaction, and patience.
  • Children who study music improve their reading scores and have more success in multiple areas of life.

My primary goal of teaching is:

  • Help students succeed in understanding music.
  • Gain comfort and facility through proper technique.
  • Recognize student’s individual potentials and goals to give them the skills to perform to the best of their ability: with knowledge, professionalism, confidence, and freedom.
  • Instill a love of music that lasts a lifetime.

My Methods of Teaching:

  • Teaching with analysis

    The key to learning a playing the piano – isn’t necessarily how many hours you spend practicing, but the way you practice.

  • Teaching with expression

    Think beyond the notes and strive to express yourself. Play with listening, understanding of terms and concepts such as articulation, dynamics, and forward motion as ongoing process.

  • Teaching with creativity

    Inspire creative thinking, encourage students to explore their imagination.

  • Building expressive technique

    By using the proper technical gestures learn to balance arm weight and wrist for tone production.

  • Making music an important part of life

    Learn to play with joy, from the heart.